深圳普玛尼家居有限公司始创于深圳,集研发、生产、销售中高端真皮软体家居的大型 现代化规模企业。公司占地面积 30000 余平米、下设两大生产制造基地,超 400 人的全球精 英设计、管理、运营团队。公司全景现代化工业厂房, 智能制造生产。员工标准写字楼式整 体办公,宽敞明亮公寓宿舍。全新建立超 6000 平米沉浸式体验展示中心,以此打造公司良好 品牌形象,构筑深圳普玛尼品牌核心竞争力。
公司旗下拥有:现代功能、意式极简、私人定制、睡眠寝具等四大品系矩阵,以科技智 能、艺术美学、时尚潮牌、原创设计品牌定位,全线整体大家居布局。公司常年保持与意大 利、德国、法国等地知名设计师持续深度合作,年均百余件设计师作品发布,组成了满足不 同消费群体需求的设计矩阵,产品深受不同年龄段时尚个性人群喜爱。
公司先后获得,国家环境标志认证、家具设计金奖、家具畅销品牌等省市地方多项荣誉。 公司始终秉承初心,工匠精神、道德企业、百年传承,这一建企宗旨!以原创设计为源,质 量为本,信誉求发展,并持续申办最新 ISO 9001、ISO14001、OHSAS18000 的管理体系认证, 全面实现管理科学化、标准化、数据化、流程化。
深圳普玛尼家居,牢牢把握住中国家居消费时尚,为广大客户提供国际品质产品及服务, 不断开发新品推向市场,借此打造深圳普玛尼家居一站式真皮家居生活方式倡导者。 深圳普玛尼家居将继续依托美学艺术、设计引领、专业团队、完善服务,努力打造中国 真皮家居“全屋整家服务品牌典范企业”。公司力求为您构建一个时尚、潮牌、舒适、健康的家 园氛围。深圳普玛尼人时刻期待为您服务,与您共创辉煌
深圳普玛尼家居有限公司始创于深圳,集研发、生产、销售中高端真皮软体家居的大型 现代化规模企业。公司占地面积 30000 余平米、下设两大生产制造基地,超 400 人的全球精 英设计、管理、运营团队。公司全景现代化工业厂房, 智能制造生产。员工标准写字楼式整 体办公,宽敞明亮公寓宿舍。
We have a keen insight into the development trend of outdoor products, and we have the ability to continuously develop new products and innovate and upgrade existing products!when your order reaches the MOQ of OEM&ODM, our design team will fully communicate with you and design
Our company has 30 years of experience in the production and development of daily tissue, and has established a factory covering a total area of 10,000 square meters in China. The factory has fully automated production equipment and professional technical production personnel. It has passed the ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification and obtained the AAA Credit Rating Certificate.
Shenzhen HBC Electronic Technology Co., Ltd is located in Shenzhen, China. We are committed to provide visually pleasing, safe, environmentally friendly and innovative lighting to commercial, retail and other users.
Founded in 2019, the company is located in Dongguan City, famous “the world factory", adjacent to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Convenient transportation, complete supporting facilities and supply chain. Mainly produces Power adapter, USB charger, Data cable, Audio cable, DC cable, etc. With OEM , and ODM develops private model production, assembly and processing as the main business. The customer base includes Amazon, E-bay, Wish, Taobao, Pinduoduo and other domestic and foreign e-commerce platforms. The company adheres to the quality, delivery period, service, integrity as the business philosophy, in order to gain the trust of customers and become a long-term partner. Look forward to working with you, win-win together!
Shenzhen Toye Technology Co.,Ltd was founded in 2010 with a registered capital of 10 million Yuan. With more then 6 years of hard work and concentration on business, the company system with product R&D, production and sales all in one has been gradually established and the company has been growing stronger, becoming a reasonably sized enterprise with modern management.
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